Cross-Cultural Adaptation, Reliability, and Validity of the Revised Korean Version of Ruminative Response Scale
Seonyoung Lee, Won Kim
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Cognitive factors as mediators of the relationship between childhood trauma and depression symptoms: the mediating roles of cognitive overgeneralisation, rumination, and social problem-solving
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Daily relationships among maternal rumination, mood and bonding with infant
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Revisiting the Factor Structure of the Ruminative Response Scale: a Bifactor Approach
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Investigating the associations between cognitive appraisals, emotion regulation and symptoms of posttraumatic stress disorder among Asian American and European American trauma survivors
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Does culture moderate the relationships between rumination and symptoms of posttraumatic stress disorder and depression?
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Psychometric Properties of the Chinese Version of the 10-Item Ruminative Response Scale Among Undergraduates and Depressive Patients
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Cross-Cultural Validity of the Ruminative Responses Scale in Argentina and the United States
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The impact of depression and culture on responses to intrusive autobiographical memories: Cognitive appraisals, cognitive avoidance, and brooding rumination
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The Development of the Brooding Scale
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Is the widely used two‐factor structure of the Ruminative Responses Scale invariant across different samples of women?
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Psychometric properties of the 10-item ruminative response scale in Chinese university students
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Depressive rumination and the emotional control circuit: An EEG localization and effective connectivity study
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