Clinical Characteristics and Precipitating Factors of Adolescent Suicide Attempters Admitted for Psychiatric Inpatient Care in South Korea
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Risk Factors for Multiple Suicide Attempts in Adolescents From 10 Years Suicide Repository
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Perceived friend support buffers against symptoms of depression in peer victimized adolescents: Evidence from a population-based cohort in South Korea
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Postdischarge Suicide and Death in South Korean Children and Adolescents Hospitalized for a Psychiatric Illness
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Menarche, menstrual problems and suicidal behavior in Chinese adolescents
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Suicidal Behavior, Violent Behavior, and Neurocognitive Function in Child and Adolescent Mood Disorder Patients
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‘Big data’ in mental health research: current status and emerging possibilities
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Chewing and spitting out food as a compensatory behavior in patients with eating disorders
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