Literacy Independent Cognitive Assessment: Assessing Mild Cognitive Impairment in Older Adults with Low Literacy Skills
YongSoo Shim, Hui Jin Ryu, Dong Woo Lee, Jun-Young Lee, Jee Hyang Jeong, Seong Hye Choi, Seol-Heui Han, Seung-Ho Ryu
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A screening method for mild cognitive impairment in elderly individuals combining bioimpedance and MMSE
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Portuguese version of the Literacy Independent Cognitive Assessment (LICA) instrument in the evaluation of individuals aged 50 years or older with Itabaianinha syndrome
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Formal language assessment in low-educated persons with aphasia: can the lesion effect be distinguished from the education effect?
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Development of Virtual Reality Neurocognitive Test for Mild Cognitive Impairment: Preliminary Study
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The effect of illiteracy on performance in screening tools for dementia: A meta-analysis
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A Systematic Review of Neuropsychological Tests for the Assessment of Dementia in Non-Western, Low-Educated or Illiterate Populations
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Evaluating the effects of exercise on cognitive function in hypertensive and diabetic patients using the mental test and training system
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Modern neuropsychological tests for a diversity of cultural contexts
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Validity of screening tools for dementia and mild cognitive impairment among the elderly in primary health care: a systematic review
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Limited formal education is strongly associated with lower cognitive status, functional disability and frailty status in older adults
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The effect of literacy and culture on cognitive effort test performance: An examination of the Test of Memory Malingering in Colombia
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