Dissociative Identity Disorders in Korea: Two Recent Cases
Ilbin Kim, Daeho Kim, Hyun-Jin Jung
Psychiatry Investig. 2016;13(2):250-252.   Published online 2016 Mar 23     DOI: https://doi.org/10.4306/pi.2016.13.2.250
Dissociative Identity Disorder
Guy A. Boysen
Journal of Nervous & Mental Disease.2024; 212(3): 174.     CrossRef
Evolution of views on the phenomenon of spiritual possession within the framework of psychiatric pathology (psychopathological, transnosological and transcultural aspects)
E.V. Gedevani, A.G. Alekseeva, O.A. Borisova, G.I. Kopeyko, V.G. Kaleda
S.S. Korsakov Journal of Neurology and Psychiatry.2024; 124(11): 55.     CrossRef
Dissociative Identity Disorder in an Adolescent With Nine Alternate Personality Traits: A Case Study
Sang-Hun Lee, Na Ri Kang, Duk-Soo Moon
Journal of the Korean Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry.2022; 33(3): 73.     CrossRef