Secondary Traumatic Stress and Burnout of North Korean Refugees Service Providers
Yeunhee Joyce Kim
Psychiatry Investig. 2017;14(2):118-125.   Published online 2017 Mar 6     DOI:
Vicarious Impacts of Working with Refugees and Asylum Seekers: An Integrative Review
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Secondary Traumatic Stress and Public Child Welfare Workers’ Intention to Remain Employed in Child Welfare: The Interaction Effect of Job Functions
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Prevalence of mental health symptoms and potential risk factors among Austrian psychotherapists
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Manifestations and drivers of secondary trauma among service providers working with Syrian refugees: A mixed-methods study from Istanbul, Turkey
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The Role of Emotion Regulation as a Potential Mediator between Secondary Traumatic Stress, Burnout, and Compassion Satisfaction in Professionals Working in the Forced Migration Field
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Analysis of implementation drivers of secondary traumatic stress (STS)-informed organizational change and experiences of STS and burnout in child welfare
Adrienne Whitt-Woosley, Ginny Sprang
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Borders: An International Comparative Analysis of Social Work’s Response
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The British Journal of Social Work.2022; 52(4): 2063.     CrossRef
Between Sympathy, Fascination, and Powerlessness. The Experiences of Health Professionals During the Medical Monitoring of a Hunger Strike Among Undocumented Migrants
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Burnout and Psychological Wellbeing Among Psychotherapists: A Systematic Review
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Causal Model Analysis of Police Officers’ COVID-19 Fear, Resistance to Organizational Change Effect on Emotional Exhaustion and Insomnia
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Constructions of burnout, identity, and self-care in professionals working toward the psychosocial care of refugees and asylum seekers in Italy
Marco Gemignani, Massimo Giliberto
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Impact of Fear of COVID-19 Pandemic on the Mental Health of Nurses in Pakistan
Sajid Rahman Khattak, Imran Saeed, Shams Ur Rehman, Mohammad Fayaz
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A Qualitative Evaluation of a Mother and Child Center Providing Psychosocial Support to Newly Arrived Female Refugees in a Registration and Reception Center in Germany
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The effects of job demands and resources on turnover intention: The mediating roles of emotional exhaustion and depersonalization
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The Prevalence of Burnout and Secondary Traumatic Stress in Professionals and Volunteers Working With Forcibly Displaced People: A Systematic Review and Two Meta‐Analyses
Fritha Roberts, Bonnie Teague, Jennifer Lee, Imogen Rushworth
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“I need to take care of myself”: a qualitative study on coping strategies, support and health promotion for social workers serving refugees and homeless individuals
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The Mediating Role of Insomnia and Exhaustion in the Relationship between Secondary Traumatic Stress and Mental Health Complaints among Frontline Medical Staff during the COVID-19 Pandemic
Ica Secosan, Delia Virga, Zorin Petrisor Crainiceanu, Tiberiu Bratu
Behavioral Sciences.2020; 10(11): 164.     CrossRef
Working conditions, mental health and coping of staff in social work with refugees and homeless individuals: A scoping review
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Compassion Fatigue, Secondary Traumatic Stress, and Vicarious Traumatization: a Qualitative Review and Research Agenda
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“This Isn’t Just about Things, It’s about People and Their Future”: A Qualitative Analysis of the Working Conditions and Strains of Social Workers in Refugee and Homeless Aid
Tanja Wirth, Janika Mette, Albert Nienhaus, Zita Schillmöller, Volker Harth, Stefanie Mache
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Professional and Volunteer Refugee Aid Workers–Depressive Symptoms and Their Predictors, Experienced Traumatic Events, PTSD, Burdens, Engagement Motivators and Support Needs
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Secondary Traumatic Stress and Burnout Among Refugee Resettlement Workers: The Role of Coping and Emotional Intelligence
Adeyinka M. Akinsulure‐Smith, Adriana Espinosa, Tracy Chu, Ryan Hallock
Journal of Traumatic Stress.2018; 31(2): 202.     CrossRef