The Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-5 Internet Gaming Disorder: Development and Validation for Diagnosing IGD in Adolescents
Hoon Jung Koo, Doug Hyun Han, Sung-Yong Park, Jung-Hye Kwon
Psychiatry Investig. 2017;14(1):21-29.   Published online 2016 Dec 29     DOI:
Construction and Initial Examination of Inter-Rater Reliability of a Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-5-TR Sleep Disorders (SCISD) – Kid
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Screened realities: a Grounded Theory exploration of gaming disorder dynamics among Iranian male adolescents
Ali Mazaherizadeh, Zahra Taherifar, Hojjatollah Farahani, Zaheer Hussain
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Prevalence, correlates, and comorbidities of internet gaming disorder and problematic game use: national mental health survey of Korea 2021
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Examining the DSM-5 Internet Gaming Disorder Criteria in Filipino Gamers: a Factor- and Person-Centered Approach
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International Journal of Mental Health and Addiction.2023; 21(5): 2842.     CrossRef
Which is more stable and specific: DSM‐5 internet gaming disorder or ICD‐11 gaming disorder? A longitudinal study
Yu Na Hong, Hyunchan Hwang, Vladan Starcevic, Tae Young Choi, Tae Ho Kim, Doug Hyun Han
Psychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences.2023; 77(4): 213.     CrossRef
Psychometric validity and the appropriateness of tolerance as a criterion for internet gaming disorder: A systematic review
Josip Razum, Benedict Baumgartner, Renata Glavak-Tkalić
Clinical Psychology Review.2023; 101: 102256.     CrossRef
Screening for forms of problematic Internet usage
Takanobu Matsuzaki, Kotaro Nishimura, Susumu Higuchi
Current Opinion in Behavioral Sciences.2023; 50: 101260.     CrossRef
Development and validation of Kiddie Schedule for Affective Disorders and Schizophrenia (K-SADS) for Internet Gaming Disorder (IGD) and factor analytic assessment
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Attention, Externalizing and Internalizing Problems Mediated Differently on Internet Gaming Disorder Among Children and Adolescents With a Family History of Addiction as an Adverse Childhood Experience
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A Four-Item Questionnaire to Measure Problematic Social Media Use: The Social Media Disorder Test
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Behavioral Sciences.2023; 13(12): 980.     CrossRef
Enabling Physical Activity with Augmented Reality Gamification for Reducing Internet Gaming Disorder
Yea Som Lee, Jung Hoon Huh
Applied Sciences.2023; 14(1): 121.     CrossRef
Exploring Internet gaming disorder: an updated perspective of empirical evidence (from 2016 to 2021)
Gemma Mestre-Bach, Fernando Fernandez-Aranda, Susana Jiménez-Murcia
Comprehensive Psychiatry.2022; 116: 152319.     CrossRef
Psychometric properties of the Indonesian Ten-item Internet Gaming Disorder Test and a latent class analysis of gamer population among youths
Kristiana Siste, Enjeline Hanafi, Lee Thung Sen, Reza Damayanti, Evania Beatrice, Raden Irawati Ismail, Paolo Roma
PLOS ONE.2022; 17(6): e0269528.     CrossRef
“Game (not) Over”: A Systematic Review of Video Game Disorder in Adolescents
Claudio Rojas-Jara, Roberto Polanco-Carrasco, Rocío Navarro-Castillo, Francisca Faúndez-Castillo, Matías Chamorro-Gallardo
Revista Colombiana de Psicología.2022; 31(2): 45.     CrossRef
Validation of the Ten-Item Internet Gaming Disorder Test (IGDT-10) based on the clinical diagnosis of IGD in Japan
Satoko Mihara, Yoneatsu Osaki, Aya Kinjo, Takanobu Matsuzaki, Hideki Nakayama, Takashi Kitayuguchi, Takayuki Harada, Susumu Higuchi
Journal of Behavioral Addictions.2022; 11(4): 1024.     CrossRef
Comparing the Approaches and Validity of ICD-11 Criteria for Gaming Disorder and DSM-5 Criteria for Internet Gaming Disorder
Ju-Yu Yen, Wei-Po Chou, Hui-Yuan Liao, Chih-Hung Ko
Current Addiction Reports.2022; 10(1): 60.     CrossRef
An Empirical Exploration of Longitudinal Predictors for Problematic Internet Use and Problematic Gaming Behavior
Lutz Wartberg, Matthias Zieglmeier, Rudolf Kammerl
Psychological Reports.2021; 124(2): 543.     CrossRef
Predictors of gaming disorder in children and adolescents: a school-based study
Felipe de M. Ferreira, Beatriz B. Bambini, Gabriela K. Tonsig, Lais Fonseca, Felipe A. Picon, Pedro M. Pan, Giovanni A. Salum, Andrea Jackowski, Eurípedes C. Miguel, Luis A. Rohde, Rodrigo A. Bressan, Ary Gadelha
Brazilian Journal of Psychiatry.2021; 43(3): 289.     CrossRef
Internet addictions outside of Europe: A systematic literature review
Daria J. Kuss, Anne Marie Kristensen, Olatz Lopez-Fernandez
Computers in Human Behavior.2021; 115: 106621.     CrossRef
Proposing and Validating the Diagnosis Scale for Internet Gaming Disorder in Taiwanese ADHD Adolescents: Likert Scale Method Based on the DSM-5
Yue-Cune Chang, Ruu-Fen Tzang
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health.2021; 18(4): 1492.     CrossRef
Psychometric Properties of the Malay Version of the Internet Gaming Disorder Scale-Short Form (IGDS9-SF-M): Evidence from a Sample of Malaysian Undergraduates
Shiao Ling Ling, Nik Ruzyanei Nik Jaafar, Kit-Aun Tan, Norharlina Bahar, Azlin Baharudin, Ahmad Izzat Ahmad Tajjudin
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health.2021; 18(5): 2592.     CrossRef
Impact of attention‐deficit/hyperactivity disorder comorbidity on longitudinal course in Internet gaming disorder: a 3‐year clinical cohort study
Jung Lee, Sujin Bae, Bung Nyun Kim, Doug Hyun Han
Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry.2021; 62(9): 1110.     CrossRef
Is the I-PACE (Interaction of Person-Affect-Cognition-Execution) model valid in South Korea? The effects of adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) on internet gaming disorder and the mediating effect of stress on adolescents
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Cognitive biases and excessive use of social media: The facebook implicit associations test (FIAT)
Ofir Turel, Alexander Serenko
Addictive Behaviors.2020; 105: 106328.     CrossRef
Exploring memory function in earthquake trauma survivors with resting-state fMRI and machine learning
Yuchen Li, Hongru Zhu, Zhengjia Ren, Su Lui, Minlan Yuan, Qiyong Gong, Cui Yuan, Meng Gao, Changjian Qiu, Wei Zhang
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Assessment and Treatment of Internet Gaming Disorder
Samuel C. Peter, Meredith K. Ginley, Rory A. Pfund
Journal of Health Service Psychology.2020; 46(1): 29.     CrossRef
Modulation of amygdala reactivity following rapidly acting interventions for major depression
Joana R. A. Loureiro, Amber Leaver, Megha Vasavada, Ashish K. Sahib, Antoni Kubicki, Shantanu Joshi, Roger P. Woods, Benjamin Wade, Eliza Congdon, Randall Espinoza, Katherine L. Narr
Human Brain Mapping.2020; 41(7): 1699.     CrossRef
Screening and assessment tools for gaming disorder: A comprehensive systematic review
Daniel L. King, Samuel R. Chamberlain, Natacha Carragher, Joel Billieux, Dan Stein, Kai Mueller, Marc N. Potenza, Hans Juergen Rumpf, John Saunders, Vladan Starcevic, Zsolt Demetrovics, Matthias Brand, Hae Kook Lee, Marcantonio Spada, Katajun Lindenberg,
Clinical Psychology Review.2020; 77: 101831.     CrossRef
“Who Am I” and “How Should I Be”: a Systematic Review on Self-Concept and Avatar Identification in Gaming Disorder
Tagrid Lemenager, Miriam Neissner, Thomas Sabo, Karl Mann, Falk Kiefer
Current Addiction Reports.2020; 7(2): 166.     CrossRef
Marris R. Reyes, Arnulfo V. Lopez
Humanities & Social Sciences Reviews.2020; 8(4): 246.     CrossRef
Psychometric Properties of the Nine-Item Korean Internet Gaming Disorder Scale: Short Form
Bin-Na Kim, Hyunsuk Ko
Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking.2020; 23(12): 854.     CrossRef
Relationship between problematic gaming and age at the onset of habitual gaming
Hideki Nakayama, Takanobu Matsuzaki, Satoko Mihara, Takashi Kitayuguchi, Susumu Higuchi
Pediatrics International.2020; 62(11): 1275.     CrossRef
Altered Reward Processing System in Internet Gaming Disorder
Syeda Raiha, Guochun Yang, Lingxiao Wang, Weine Dai, Haiyan Wu, Guangteng Meng, Bowei Zhong, Xun Liu
Frontiers in Psychiatry.2020;[Epub]     CrossRef
Face validity evaluation of screening tools for gaming disorder: Scope, language, and overpathologizing issues
Daniel L. King, Joel Billieux, Natacha Carragher, Paul H. Delfabbro
Journal of Behavioral Addictions.2020; 9(1): 1.     CrossRef
Identifying individuals in need of help for their uncontrolled gaming: A narrative review of concerns and comments regarding gaming disorder diagnostic criteria
Chih-Hung Ko, Orsolya Király, Zsolt Demetrovics, Yun-Ming Chang, Ju-Yu Yen
Journal of Behavioral Addictions.2020; 9(3): 572.     CrossRef
A longitudinal study on psychosocial causes and consequences of Internet gaming disorder in adolescence
Lutz Wartberg, Levente Kriston, Matthias Zieglmeier, Tania Lincoln, Rudolf Kammerl
Psychological Medicine.2019; 49(2): 287.     CrossRef
Accordance of Adolescent and Parental Ratings of Internet Gaming Disorder and Their Associations with Psychosocial Aspects
Lutz Wartberg, Matthias Zieglmeier, Rudolf Kammerl
Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking.2019; 22(4): 264.     CrossRef
Application of Diagnostic Interview for Internet Addiction (DIA) in Clinical Practice for Korean Adolescents
Hyera Ryu, Ji Yoon Lee, A Ruem Choi, Sun Ju Chung, Minkyung Park, Soo-Young Bhang, Jun-Gun Kwon, Yong-Sil Kweon, Jung-Seok Choi
Journal of Clinical Medicine.2019; 8(2): 202.     CrossRef
Behavioral Addictions as Mental Disorders: To Be or Not To Be?
Nancy M. Petry, Kristyn Zajac, Meredith K. Ginley
Annual Review of Clinical Psychology.2018; 14(1): 399.     CrossRef
Discordance between self-report and clinical diagnosis of Internet gaming disorder in adolescents
Hyunsuk Jeong, Hyeon Woo Yim, Seung-Yup Lee, Hae Kook Lee, Marc N. Potenza, Jung-Hye Kwon, Hoon Jung Koo, Yong-Sil Kweon, Soo-young Bhang, Jung-Seok Choi
Scientific Reports.2018;[Epub]     CrossRef
Chinese adaptation of the Ten-Item Internet Gaming Disorder Test and prevalence estimate of Internet gaming disorder among adolescents in Taiwan
Yu-Chuan Chiu, Yuan-Chien Pan, Yu-Hsuan Lin
Journal of Behavioral Addictions.2018; 7(3): 719.     CrossRef
A cohort study of patients seeking Internet gaming disorder treatment
Doug Hyun Han, Minkyoung Yoo, Perry F. Renshaw, Nancy M. Petry
Journal of Behavioral Addictions.2018; 7(4): 930.     CrossRef
Substance use and other addictive disorders in international classification of Diseases-11, and their relationship with diagnostic and statistical Manual-5 and international classification of Diseases-10
Debasish Basu, Abhishek Ghosh
Indian Journal of Social Psychiatry.2018; 34(5): 54.     CrossRef
A Tripartite Neurocognitive Model of Internet Gaming Disorder
Lei Wei, Shuyue Zhang, Ofir Turel, Antoine Bechara, Qinghua He
Frontiers in Psychiatry.2017;[Epub]     CrossRef
The Prevalence and Psychosocial Correlates of Internet Gaming Disorder
Lutz Wartberg, Levente Kriston, Rainer Thomasius
Deutsches Ärzteblatt international.2017;[Epub]     CrossRef
Study protocol of the internet user Cohort for Unbiased Recognition of gaming disorder in Early adolescence (iCURE), Korea, 2015–2019
Hyunsuk Jeong, Hyeon Woo Yim, Sun-Jin Jo, Seung-Yup Lee, Eunjin Kim, Hye Jung Son, Hyun-ho Han, Hae Kook Lee, Yong-Sil Kweon, Soo-young Bhang, Jung-Seok Choi, Bung-Nyun Kim, Douglas A Gentile, Marc N Potenza
BMJ Open.2017; 7(10): e018350.     CrossRef