Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Symptoms and Posttraumatic Growth Following Indirect Trauma from the Sewol Ferry Disaster, 2014
Aekyeong Wong, Hong-seock Lee, Heung-pyo Lee, Yun-kyeung Choi, Jae-ho Lee
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Psychological Distress Trends and Effect of Media Exposure Among Community Residents After the Seoul Halloween Crowd Crush
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A preliminary study of disaster media use as a coping mechanism and the psychological impact of the 2014 Sewol ferry disaster
Aekyeong Wong, Yun-Kyeung Choi, Jae-Ho Lee, Hong-Seock Lee
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Pathways to post-traumatic growth and post-traumatic stress following the Canterbury earthquakes in a cohort of 40-year-olds
Ben Beaglehole, Caroline Bell, Roger Mulder, Joseph Boden
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Nuclear Anxiety Amid the Russian-Ukrainian War 2022 (RUW-22): Descriptive Cross-Sectional Study
Abanoub Riad, Anton Drobov, Muhammad Abdullatif Alkasaby, Aleš Peřina, Michal Koščík
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Cultural Differences in People’s Responses to Accidents
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Social support moderates association between posttraumatic growth and trauma-related psychopathologies among victims of the Sewol Ferry Disaster
Kyu-Man Han, Ji Young Park, Ha Eun Park, So Ra An, Eun Hee Lee, Ho-Kyoung Yoon, Young-Hoon Ko
Psychiatry Research.2019; 272: 507.     CrossRef
Anxiety and neurometabolite levels in the hippocampus and amygdala after prolonged exposure to predator-scent stress
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