Is Advancing of Circadian Rhythm a Reason for the Rapid Treatment Effect of Electroconvulsive Therapy?
Heon-Jeong Lee
Psychiatry Investig. 2018;15(7):655-655.   Published online 2018 Jul 17     DOI:
Evaluating Occupant Light Exposure and Usage Patterns in an Inpatient Behavioral Health Unit
Meredith Banasiak, Andrea Wilkerson, Sarah Safranek
HERD: Health Environments Research & Design Journal.2023; 16(2): 89.     CrossRef
Differential Effects of Electroconvulsive Therapy in the Treatment of Major Depressive Disorder
Anna Stippl, Fatma Nur Kirkgöze, Malek Bajbouj, Simone Grimm
Neuropsychobiology.2020; 79(6): 408.     CrossRef