Prevalence of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder in Korean Veterans and an Analysis of Associated Variables |
Moon Yong Chung, MD1;Il Suh, MD2;Dong Ki Kim, PhD2; and Il Jin Jeong, MD1; |
1;Department of Neuropsychiatry, Korea Veterans Hospital, Seoul, 2;Department of Preventive medicine, Yonsei University, College of Medicine, Seoul, Korea |
Abstract |
<p class="MsoPlainText" style="word-spacing: 1; line-height: 150%; margin-top: 0; margin-bottom: 0" align="left"><font face="HY중고딕" size="2">Posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is a chronic illness which is treatment-resistent especially in individuals who are sensitive and vulnerable. The purpose of this study was to examine veterans currently hospitalized and diagnosed with posttraumatic stress disorder resulting from their experiences in the Korean and Vietnam Wars, and to examine the relationship between the disorder and characteristics of two groups of veterans. Data were collected and analyzed as a part of a preliminary study aimed at improving the management of the disorder and to encourage a healthy and successful reintegration of the veterans into society. The results of the study reveal that marital status in both groups had a statistically significant relationship with PTSD. In addition, education level and occupation in Vietnam veterans also showed a statistically significantly relationship with PTSD. Based on the results of this study, these variables need to be considered when managing this disorder, and preparing veterans for a healthy and successful reintegration into society. A limitation of this study was that samples were collected only from disabled veterans admitted to the hospital. Future investigations should include community-based random samples of war veterans with a focus on ethnocultural variables. </span></font>
Key words
Korean War veterans;Vietnam War veterans;PTSD;Epidemiology. |